If you require money to expand your business, bank financing can be a powerful driver for your growth. However, when it comes to obtaining financing, preparation is everything. If you make your loan request without taking the necessary preliminary steps, lenders will be far less likely to approve your request.
Here’s how we can help: Our bank financing assistance services are designed to provide the lending institution of your choice with adequate documentation and information, allowing them to quickly agree to extend a loan to you. We create a carefully crafted proposal for you, taking into account the lender’s requirements and making sure that they are met in every aspect of your proposal.
With years of experience in bank financing, we have in-depth knowledge of the lending processes of banks and because we know what they’re looking for, we can put together a powerful package that will assist you in getting the financing you require.
Our Bank Financing Proposals Include :
- A summarization clearly putting forth your reason for seeking financing, the exact amount needed, as well as a thorough explanation of how the loan will be used
- We provide the lending institution with all of your relevant and required financial information, allowing them to see the likelihood of your repaying any funds loaned.
- We put together a personal financial statement, including copies of the last 3 years of your personal tax returns for the bank. We also point out the assets being pledged as security collateral.
- We provide you with representation before the lending officer, in order to give additional credence to all of your claims and pledge.
Contact us today to learn how our bank financing assistance services can help you to get the transformative funding that your business requires.