Our financial reporting assurance services offer an accurate picture of your company’s true financial standing, providing an opportunity to increase efficiency and maximize profitability.
Our compilation services focus on providing your management with assistance in assembling and compiling financial information from your company’s records and presenting financial statements. In compliance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARSs), our accountants fulfill the requirements of having adequate knowledge of the industry and field that your company operates in, gathering all relevant client information and reading all financial statements. Our accountants also consider whether all financial statements are without obvious material errors and have been presented in the appropriate format.
The final step is the issuance of a report confirming that the compilation was carried out in full accordance with the requirements of Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARSs), without expressing a professional opinion of, or assurance on, the statements.
A compilation provides a basic level of financial reporting assurance that may be sufficient to meet management requirements or satisfy the needs of other parties. For example, compilations are often required by banks as a component of their lending covenants. Unlike in the case of audits and reviews however, compilations do not require analysis or inquiries of management.
In the case that stockholders, private investors, creditors or other interested parties require a higher level of assurance, we would advise you to consider our review or audit services.
please contact us for advice and assistance in selecting the most appropriate level of assurance services for your particular situation.